Caxton Youth Organisation has been awarded a Community Investment Grant of £16,341 (over 2 years) in support of its Independence Programme for young people who have disabilities, aged 11-25 years old, and live in the City of Westminster.
It focuses on teaching skills that will help young disabled people, some with autism, cope with the transition from school to becoming independent in the wider community:
- Managing Money – basic budgeting, how to pay for things, and using a bank account
- Managing at Home – understanding healthy living in terms of cleaning and basic cooking
- Personal Growth and Problem solving – trying to help develop coping strategies when confronted with new and unfamiliar situations
- Emergency Planning – emergency first aid, fire safety, calling 999
The Trustees also approved the following grants:
- £45,000 over 3 years to Doorstep Library Network – towards Project Coordinator salary costs
- £1,380 to BEANii – towards their Emotional Literacy Pilot Project, helping Y5 children to develop social and emotional skills essential for well-being