Policy & Procedures
Education Charity
St Giles-in-the-Fields and William Shelton Education Charity
– Charity Number: 1111907
Lead Safeguarding Officer – Revd John Pearson-Hicks
Deputy Safeguarding Officer – Hazel Capper, Clerk to the Trustees
Alms Charity
St Giles-in-the-Fields and Bloomsbury United Charity
– Charity Number: 1111908
Lead Safeguarding Officer – Fatima Asif
Deputy Safeguarding Officer – Hazel Capper, Clerk to the Trustees
Date Approved: March 2021
Review Date: March 2022
This document summarises the safeguarding policy and procedures of the St Giles & St George Education Charity and the Alms Charity.
The Trustees of each Charity recognise that charities have a duty to protect from harm ALL people who come into contact with the charity – trustees, staff, volunteers, grant beneficiaries and the clients of the organisations that we support.
Both Charities are grant-makers, but do not generally work directly with children and young people or adults at risk. All organisations applying for funds from the Charities have primary responsibility for safeguarding their own beneficiaries, staff and volunteers.
The Alms Charity manages St Giles Almshouses, where the staff and trustees visit residents in their homes. They may help them with addressing maintenance issues or completing paperwork but staff members do not provide regulated activity such as physical help or personal care.
The Charities will:
Treat everyone with respect and celebrate their achievements;
Carefully recruit and select all staff whether paid or unpaid;
Respond to concerns and allegations appropriately;
Embed safeguarding into our grants practices.
When there are concerns about the welfare of any child, young person or adult at risk, all responsible persons in our organisations are expected to share those concerns, without delay, with the relevant Lead Safeguarding Officer for that Charity (or Deputy, if the Lead is unavailable).
The Lead/Deputy Safeguarding Officer for each Charity is responsible for:
monitoring and recording concerns;
making referrals to social services without delay;
liaising with other agencies;
arranging training for all staff.
We will abide by the child and adult protection guidelines developed by the Camden Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Board and Westminster Safeguarding Children Board.
In cases of disclosure of abuse by children, young people, parents or carers, we are obliged to share information with the lead person for safeguarding (or deputy) who may have to refer our concerns to social services and/or the police.
Staff Allegations
Concerns about the behaviour of adult/s within the organisation will be referred, without delay, to the Lead Safeguarding Officer who will contact the LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) at social services, or the police in an emergency.
As a result of investigations, we have a legal duty to refer to the DBS (Disclosure and Barring service) any individuals, who work or volunteer, in a regulated activity if it is thought they have harmed or posed a risk of harm to children. Referrals will also be made to any regulatory bodies.
In the unlikely event that the concerns are about the Lead Safeguarding Officer, it is important to refer to the Deputy Safeguarding Officer instead. This may not be appropriate, in which case any member of staff may personally refer direct to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO).
The full safeguarding policy includes a number of appendices. If you would like to see the full policy, you can download it here.